Lukhwells International


LUKHWELLS is a multi-disciplinary and international leader in the documentation and spatial information industry, offering complete solutions for clients in fields, such as the tourism enhancement, biodiversity conservation, climate change, land development, urban air pollution reduction, construction, mining and environment industries. The company uses extensive knowledge of data systems, industry standards and regulatory requirements to enable integration of ecosystem project planning, approvals and management processes. LUKHWELLS believes that tourism, through its nature, creates jobs and promotes social integration and regional cohesion. The tourism sector is also in many way interlinked with economic sectors as tourism services use products from other sectors and vice-versa. The sector involves various different services, such as transportation services (Airlines and platforms, and cruise ships), hospitality services (hotels, resorts, and restaurants). Entertainment venues (amusement parks, recreational activities like golf courses), tourism operators providing commercial services (travel agencies, and tour operators.

LUKHWELLS provides services in major tourism linked development subdivisions, covering residential, rural and industrial projects, and takes a holistic approach to subdivision services including lot layout, staging strategies, yield and marketability. Services also include: urban development; land and building subdivision; property boundary surveys; data capture, analysis and management; three-dimensional visualization and digital terrain modeling; constraints mapping; lease surveys; structural surveillance; mining operation surveys and training; logline route surveys; photogrammetry control; airport navigation surveys; hydrographic and subsidence surveys; environmental monitoring; and creation of building envelopes, restrictions, covenants and easements.

Services in Tourism

The technical expertise for Lukhwells’ in the tourism sector
  • Tourism development
  • Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources
  • Protected areas and wildlife policy
  • Ecological/botanical expertise (including critical habitat assessment, ecosystem services, management of invasive species)
  • Stakeholder engagement especially community engagement
  • Gender aspects and needs of vulnerable segments of communities
  • Human wildlife conflict mitigation
  • Economic and financial analysis
  • Civil engineering
  • Geographic information system (GIS)